CPD for KS1 and KS2


National Curriculum Modular CPDs

Training to plan and deliver Key Stage One and Two National Curriculum Requirements for Water Safety and Swimming.

This is a modular, blended learning CPD training programme.

An innovative and contemporary approach specifically designed to enable and support Teachers and Assistants to deliver high quality swimming and water safety lessons as part of the PE Curriculum.

This is achieved by equipping schoolteachers and staff with the levels of confidence, competence, knowledge and understanding needed for primary schools to meet the National Curriculum requirements safely and effectively.

The training meets Government /DfE, National Governing Body/Swim Group criteria and recommendations. It will enable teachers and other primary school staff to ensure their pupils meet the PE National Curriculum requirements for Water Safety and Swimming.

Key principles which underpin the training:

  • Redefining how we can meet the swimming and water safety needs of all pupils in an inclusive educational setting
  • Teaching and Learning is a shared journey of exploration, discovery, improvement, and success. Schoolteachers and staff with training and as part of a team are easily the best professionals to lead swimming lessons and teach their classes how to swim and be safe in and around water.
  • The need to review and if necessary, to challenge approaches which do not deliver high quality teaching and learning or enable pupils to meet curriculum requirements.
  • Every programme of swimming should be closely aligned with the school’s vision, values and expectations for PE and sport.

Training Outcomes: To be able to…

  • Develop a model for the planning, preparing and delivery of swimming lessons which meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and the needs of all pupils.
    • Identify key aspects of national requirements and recommendations for creating and organising a safe and effective ‘aquatic’ learning environment.
    • Identify core or foundation aquatic and stroke skills relevant to curriculum requirements.
    • Understand that these are the ‘pre-requisites’ for successful participation in a wide range of aquatic activities…and that there are no shortcuts. That future success is more likely when the ‘core’ or foundation skills are introduced progressively – when learners are ‘ready’.
    • Understand how these are aligned with recognised Physical Literacy frameworks.
    • Understand the key underpinning skills and the essential components and practices for introducing, developing, and improving swimming strokes.
    • Plan, teach and evaluate school swimming and water safety lessons at KS1 and 2.
    • Understand how swimming can contribute to wider outcomes for National Curriculum PE and Whole School Policies

Each learner receives a unique teaching resource; a set of 14 cards covering the foundation aquatic skills which enable children to swim and be safer in and around water. An assessment tool based on the cards is being developed.

Verifiable CPD

  • We provide evidence that each learner has undertaken the learning activities.

  • All our learning activities focus on relevant knowledge, competence and understanding to support improved delivery of curriculum swimming programmes and improved outcomes for pupils.

  • All those who attend will also have access to follow up resources.

Each of the single CPDs will be offered at Quantock Lodge, near Bridgwater.

Costs for the Quantock Lodge courses is £90 per learner. This includes a unique and innovative resource designed initially for primary schools.

If an academy or federation or other group of schools want to organise training we recommend the full bespoke course.

Costs for the bespoke local venue based course varies, but as a guide, for up to 6 people the cost is £600 with an additional cost of £20 for additional staff to cover the cost of the resources.